Eylül 2021
SharePoint channel sites – Temporary permissions editing
Message Summary We recently provided guidance (June - MC261534) “SharePoint: [...]
Insights in Microsoft 365 to become part of Microsoft Viva
In the coming months, personal productivity and wellbeing insights that [...]
Microsoft Teams: Enable Teams users to purchase app subscriptions through the Teams app store
Microsoft Teams: Enable Teams users to purchase app subscriptions through [...]
Office 365 Major Change Update
Play My Emails: Spotlight This enhancement to the Play My [...]
TrioWorx’tan KOBİ’ler için KobiWorx; Hedef 2022’de yüzde 300 büyümek
KobiEfor Dijital Ekim Sayımız advertorial çalışmamızı websitemizde https://kobi-efor.com.tr/haber/trioworxtan-kobiler-icin-kobiworxhedef-2022de-yuzde-300-h12658.html… linkinden inceleyebilirsiniz. [...]